Easily calculate your PTO, sick time, or holiday hours.
The Paid Time Off (PTO) Calculator is designed to help you easily calculate the total PTO hours you have accrued over a specific period. Whether you need to determine your PTO, sick time, or holiday hours, this calculator provides a simple and accurate method. Here’s how to use it:
Start Date: Select the start date for the period you want to calculate PTO. This is the date when your PTO accrual starts.
End Date: Select the end date for the period you want to calculate PTO. This is the date when your PTO accrual ends.
Previous Balance (hours): If you have any existing PTO balance from a previous period, enter it here. If not, you can leave this field at zero.
Accrue (hours): Enter the number of PTO hours you accrue per accrual period. For example, if you earn 4 hours of PTO every 10 days, you would enter “4” here.
For Every (days): Enter the number of days in each accrual period. Using the example above, if you accrue 4 hours every 10 days, you would enter “10” here.
Max Hours (hours): If your PTO policy has a cap on the maximum number of hours you can accrue, enter that limit here. The calculator will ensure your total PTO does not exceed this cap.
Calculate PTO: Click the “Calculate PTO” button to get your total accrued PTO hours based on the information provided.
The results will be displayed below the form, showing the total PTO hours you’ve accrued during the specified period.
A Paid Time Off (PTO) Calculator is a tool designed to help employees and employers accurately calculate the total number of PTO hours accrued over a given period. PTO typically includes vacation days, sick days, and personal days, all of which are combined into a single time-off bank that employees can draw from.
The PTO Calculator considers factors such as the start and end dates of the accrual period, the amount of PTO accrued per period, and any existing balance from previous periods. Additionally, it can account for any maximum PTO limit set by company policy, ensuring that employees do not exceed their allowable time off.
This tool is particularly valuable for managing time off effectively, helping both employees and employers track and plan for absences without disrupting business operations. By using a PTO Calculator, employees can stay informed about their available time off, while employers can maintain accurate records of accrued PTO for payroll and compliance purposes. For more on PTO see our blog here.
Paid leave policies vary widely and serve different purposes depending on the type of leave being offered. Here are the main types of paid leave:
Paid Family and Medical Leave
Paid Sick Time
Paid Time Off (PTO)
Statistic | Percentage / Details |
Importance of Paid Time Off | 62% of people think having paid time off is extremely important. |
Access to Paid Vacation (2023) | 82% of full-time employees had access to paid vacation in 2023. |
Unused PTO | 46% of workers don’t use up all of their PTO during the year. |
Working on Vacation | 68% of employees work while on vacation. |
Worrying About Work During Vacation | 52% of US workers worry about work during vacation. |
Uncompensated PTO | 23% of US workers don’t receive compensation for unused PTO. |
Average Vacation Time | The average vacation time for civilian and private industry employees is 11 days after 1 year of service. |
Paid Leave in Management/Business/Finance | 97% of employees in the management, business, and finance sectors have access to paid leave. |
Job Applications and Paid Leave | 42% of people won't apply for a job that doesn’t offer paid leave. |
European PTO | Most European countries offer at least 20 days of PTO. |
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