Free Pennsylvania Sales Tax Calculator

Pennsylvania Sales Tax Calculator

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How to Use the Pennsylvania Sales Tax Calculator

Our Pennsylvania Sales Tax Calculator is designed to be simple and intuitive to use. Just follow these easy steps:

  1. Enter Purchase Amount: Start by entering the total amount of your purchase in the “Purchase Amount ($)” field.

  2. Choose Search Method: You have two options to determine the sales tax rate for your location:

    • Search by ZIP Code: Select the “Search by ZIP Code” radio button and choose your ZIP code from the dropdown menu.
    • Search by Tax Region: Select the “Search by Tax Region” radio button and choose the relevant tax region from the dropdown menu.
  3. Calculate: Once you’ve entered the purchase amount and selected your location, simply click the “Calculate Sales Tax” button.

  4. View Results: The calculator will instantly display the following details:

    • State Tax
    • County Tax
    • Combined Sales Tax
    • Total Amount (including sales tax)


That’s it! You now have an accurate breakdown of the sales tax for your purchase in Pennsylvania.

Sales, Use, and Hotel Occupancy Tax in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania imposes a sales tax on the retail sale, consumption, rental, or use of tangible personal property, including digital products. This tax also applies to certain services and business transactions. The state sales tax rate is 6 percent.

Key Points

  • Local Taxes: In addition to the 6 percent state sales tax, local taxes apply:
    • Allegheny County: 1 percent local tax
    • Philadelphia: 2 percent local tax
  • Use Tax: If you buy taxable items outside of Pennsylvania and use them within the state, you may owe use tax at the same rate as sales tax.
  • Hotel Occupancy Tax: Room rentals for less than 30 days are subject to a hotel occupancy tax, which is the same rate as the sales tax. This includes rentals booked through online platforms and third-party brokers.


Pennsylvania provides exemptions from sales tax for various items, including:

  • Most food (not ready-to-eat)
  • Candy and gum
  • Most clothing
  • Textbooks
  • Computer services
  • Pharmaceutical drugs
  • Residential heating fuels (oil, electricity, gas, coal, firewood)

For More Information

  • Detailed Taxable Items: Consult the Retailer’s Information Guide (REV-717) or the Taxability Lists for a comprehensive list of taxable goods and services.
  • Tax Rates and Historical Data: The Tax Compendium provides detailed and historical information on sales, use, and hotel occupancy taxes.
  • Business Tax Returns and Payments: Visit the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue website for information on filing business tax returns and making payments.
Pennsylvania flag

Pennsylvania Tax Rates

Tax Rate
Personal Income Tax3.07 percent
Inheritance and Estate Tax0% (spouse/parent from child under 21), 4.5% (direct descendants), 12% (siblings), 15% (other heirs except exempt entities)
Realty Transfer Tax1% of property value
PA Sales, Use and Hotel Occupancy Tax6%
Local Sales Tax1% (Allegheny County), 2% (Philadelphia)
Cigarette Tax$2.60 per pack of 20
Malt Beverage TaxSee Malt Beverage Tax Rate Table
Liquor Tax18%
Vehicle Rental Tax2%
New Tire Fee$1 per tire
Motor Vehicle Lease Tax3% of total lease price
Motor Vehicle Rental Fee$2 per day
Corporate Net Income Tax8.99% (2023), 8.49% (2024), reducing to 4.99% (2031+)
Capital Stock/Foreign Franchise TaxEliminated (2016+)
Gross Receipts Tax - Telephone/Telegraph50 mills
Gross Receipts Tax - Electric Suppliers59 mills
Gross Receipts Tax - Transportation50 mills
Public Utility Realty Tax (PURTA)Rate set annually
Gross Premiums Tax2% plus retaliatory tax, 3% surplus lines tax
Financial Institutions TaxesBank Shares Tax: 0.95%, Title Insurance Shares Tax: 1.25%, Mutual Thrift Institutions Tax: 11.5%
Aviation Gasoline$0.057/gallon
Jet Fuel$0.017/gallon
Liquid Fuels$0.576/gallon
Fuels (Diesel/Kerosene)$0.741/gallon
Alternative FuelsHydrogen: $0.576/GGE, CNG: $0.576/GGE, Propane: $0.425/gallon, Ethanol: $0.384/gallon, Methanol: $0.289/gallon, E-85: $0.413/gallon, M-85: $0.332/gallon, LNG: $0.648/DGE, Electricity: $0.0172/KWH

Data Retrieved From:

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Pennsylvania Use Tax: What You Need to Know

When you buy taxable items or services from out-of-state vendors or online retailers who don’t collect Pennsylvania sales tax, you are responsible for paying use tax. This tax ensures fairness for Pennsylvania businesses and provides essential revenue for the state.

What is Use Tax?

Use tax is a complement to sales tax. It applies to purchases of tangible personal property and specified services used or consumed in Pennsylvania when sales tax wasn’t collected by the seller. This often occurs with online purchases or items bought from out-of-state vendors.

Use Tax Rate

The use tax rate is equivalent to the sales tax rate:

  • 6 percent state tax
  • Plus 1 percent local tax in Allegheny County
  • Plus 2 percent local tax in Philadelphia

Why is Use Tax Important?

  • Fairness: Use tax levels the playing field between Pennsylvania businesses and out-of-state or online sellers.
  • Revenue: It generates crucial funding for the state’s General Fund, supporting government services.
  • Compliance: Failing to pay use tax can result in penalties and interest charges.

Learn More

  • Use Tax for Individuals: Find detailed information and reporting options on the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue website.
  • Use Tax for Businesses: Resources for businesses regarding use tax compliance are also available on the department’s website.

Pennsylvania Sales Tax Exemptions

Pennsylvania offers a variety of sales tax exemptions for specific goods, services, and organizations. Understanding these exemptions can help businesses and individuals minimize their tax liability and ensure compliance with state laws.

Exemptions for Specific Operations

Purchases of property and services used directly and predominantly in the following operations are generally exempt from sales tax:

  • Manufacturing
  • Mining
  • Dairying
  • Processing
  • Farming
  • Shipbuilding
  • Timbering


Important Note: This exemption does not apply to:

  • Construction, repair, or remodeling of real property (except for real property directly used in exempt operations)
  • Maintenance, managerial, administrative, supervisory, sales, delivery, warehousing, or other non-operational activities
  • Vehicles requiring registration under the Vehicle Code, including their supplies, repair parts, and the PTA tire fee

Exemptions for Organizations

The following organizations are typically exempt from sales tax:

  • Instrumentalities of the Commonwealth (including public schools and state universities)
  • Political subdivisions of the Commonwealth (including townships and boroughs)
  • Municipal authorities
  • Electric cooperative corporations
  • Cooperative agricultural associations
  • Credit unions
  • U.S. government, its agencies, and instrumentalities
  • Federal employees on official business (limited to hotel occupancy tax)
  • School bus operators (limited to parts, repairs, and maintenance for licensed school buses)
  • Charter schools and community colleges
  • Religious organizations
  • Nonprofit educational institutions
  • Charitable organizations
  • Volunteer fire companies
  • Relief associations

Exemptions for Resale or Rental

Property and services purchased for resale or rental in the ordinary course of business are generally exempt.

Exemptions for Public Utilities

Purchases used directly and predominantly in producing, delivering, or rendering public utility services are often exempt.

Exemptions for Wrapping Supplies

Wrapping supplies and non-returnable containers used to wrap property sold to others may be exempt.

Exemptions for Financial Institutions

Canned computer software and related services purchased by financial institutions subject to specific taxes may be exempt.

Exemptions for Remotely Accessed Software

Sellers must collect tax on canned software accessed remotely by users in Pennsylvania.

For More Information

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Disclaimer: The content provided on this webpage is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice. While we strive to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of the information presented here, the details may change over time or vary in different jurisdictions. Therefore, we do not guarantee the completeness, reliability, or absolute accuracy of this information. The information on this page should not be used as a basis for making legal, financial, or any other key decisions. We strongly advise consulting with a qualified professional or expert in the relevant field for specific advice, guidance, or services. By using this webpage, you acknowledge that the information is offered “as is” and that we are not liable for any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in the content, nor for any actions taken based on the information provided. We shall not be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages arising out of your access to, use of, or reliance on any content on this page.

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